Monday, March 14, 2011

Fun with a wood stack

Taylor and Hannah are enjoying some quality time together on the wood stack in our driveway.  So who is the queen of the woodpile, Taylor or Hannah?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Been a while

August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March...8 months between posts is not really keeping relevant and up to date. I am not going to try to catch you up I am just going to start again fresh.

This morning I played the Mr Potato Head's Play Dough game with Taylor.  She play by her own rules, I guess that is how almost 6 year olds rolls.  I can't be more proud more proud of that brilliant little girl. She is such a pleasure to be around, mostly, and there is never a dull moment when Taylor is around. It saddens me that I can't ski for the rest of the season because she is something to behold on her skis. She jumps anything she finds and is finally getting in a little tuck when she has to keep her speed up.  She is barely six and already an exceptional skier.

School is going well this semester. I am taking two social media classes and Mass Comm Law which is a challenge to say the least. We have had two exams not and with the help of extra credit I am able to maintain a high B or low A.  Luckily the next two exams are the easier ones so i have a chance at pulling off a solid A for the class. 

I applied for a few internships but did not get any of them.  I think I may have found one myself working with a local Internet Service Provider / computer engineer / entrepreneur.  Working with him will allow me to apply everything I have learned and am learning to the real world.